Curb Your Food Cravings With These Six Useful Tips

Woman eating food during the night

One of the most frustrating things about losing weight is trying your best to hold back from food cravings. So how to manage food cravings?

Food is essential in keeping us alive, however, there are many times when we take in more than what we need. And this is especially trying when we want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

What can we do to curb our food cravings to help us stay on track of being healthy and looking good? Jean Tong, nutritionist with Halley Medical Aesthetics offers six useful tips:

Eat more protein

To reduce your food cravings, it does not mean you should go without food! Instead, make wiser, healthier food choices. Eating more protein-rich foods can help increase the feeling of fullness, which in turn, will help you eat less and have less food cravings. Hence, having a high protein breakfast, for example, helps one eat less and have less food cravings for the next meal (i.e. lunch).

Stay stress-free

We all know the damage that stress can do to our well-being. Stress also increases the hormone cortisol level, which in turn increases our food cravings. That is why a lot of people turn to ‘comfort food’ when they are stressed out.

One stress buster tip is to adopt activities you enjoy, which are beneficial for your well-being, such as yoga, going for walks, engaging in art and craft activities, just to name a few. When you are stress-free, the chances of you resorting to comfort food in the forms of cravings will be reduced.

Halley Body Slimming Clinic | Curb Your Food Cravings With These Six Useful Tips

Fibre-rich food is good

Food that is rich in fibre is something that you should consider in your battle to lose the cravings and stay healthy.

Fibre-rich foods make you feel fuller as they slow down our stomach’s emptying rate. Beans, peas, and lentils are some examples of fibre-rich foods that you can include in your meals.

Don’t starve yourself

There are a lot of people who skip meals in an attempt to lose weight. Do bear in mind that skipping meals is actually not ideal, as it can cause you to eat more in your next meal. You will tend to crave for not so healthy treats as well.

Your body needs energy and nutrients to keep your bodily functions going. Therefore eating the right foods, and in the right amounts, is the right way to go.

Sleep is important

We all know the importance of quality sleep. However, not many of us have this. Getting a good night’s sleep not only helps with bodily restoration. Studies show it also helps one reduce stress level that leads to less possible food cravings.

Studies have also shown that having adequate sleep helps in weight maintenance and possibly reduces weight gain. Ideally, get about seven to eight hours of quality sleep daily.


Even with all these in place, adopting good healthful dietary and lifestyle (i.e. exercise) habits go a long way in helping you to curb food cravings. This will ultimately help you look good, feel great, and be healthier!

The use of these treatments/products is dependent on the clinical assessment and judgement of a medical professional. Please consult a medical doctor for an informed discussion on the use of this treatment/product.

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