Vaginal rejuvenation or tightening is an embarrassing topic for many women who avoid talking about this intimate issue and hesitate to seek medical help. But vaginal tissue laxity is a common concern. Pregnancy, the childbearing process, hormonal changes, and ageing can lead to loss in vaginal tone, resulting in painful or dissatisfying sexual intercourse, vaginal dryness, or urinary incontinence.
Vaginal tissue laxity can be treated in a safe and non-surgical manner by combining treatments like the Exilis Ultra Femme 360 (Exilis Femme) and Tesla Muscle Former. The combined power of their highly-focused energy offers a safe and comfortable vaginal rejuvenation treatment.
The use of these treatments/products is dependent on the clinical assessment and judgement of a medical professional. Please consult a medical doctor for an informed discussion on the use of this treatment/product.
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